Many organisations are setting a strategic goal of becoming or supporting a Learning Health System. However, Learning Health Systems are complex and constantly changing entities. No two are the same; they can’t be lifted and shifted from one environment to another.
That being said, a great deal can be learnt from successful and unsuccessful case studies. While much has been published on Learning Health Systems, the sector to this point has lacked a “go to” repository, containing tools, frameworks and models that might be helpful to those developing a Learning Health System.
This report provides an early step towards such a resource. As well as signposting useful resources, it presents a framework for considering important topics in developing a Learning Health System and an introduction to each of these topics.
No single report can cover this constantly changing field. The Learning Healthcare Project will therefore collaborate with colleagues in the global Learning Health Community, to develop this work into a live online toolkit that can be supplemented by anyone with relevant experience. This will embody the learning philosophy.